Erica Jones – Maxim
Account Manager
Maxim has had the pleasure of working with Kim (of LK Events) on a number of occasions over the last few years, when she was responsible for organising The Thanet Heart of the Community Awards.
Kim’s passion and enthusiasm ensured this event was a pleasure to be involved with, and was one of the reasons our client felt confident in their decision to be a repeat sponsor for a number of years.
The awards ceremony was always an enjoyable occasion, well-managed and with a good balance for fun and serious messages – after all, this was an initiative to celebrate charities. On the night guests were all made to feel welcome, and an appropriate selection of entertainment was provided. Given the range of people and organisations attending this was quite an achievement.
However events are also about being organised before the main event, and Kim was always on top of things. She did and excellent job of keeping us informed about arrangements, as well as ensuring our client was getting their money’s worth with just enough involvement that they were included without having to give up their own time.
Publicity was well-organised and to a high standard, and public enthusiasm grew year-on-year as a result.
We were also impressed by Kim’s professionalism and attention to detail, and look forward to working with her on other events in the future.
Dawn Gabriel - Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Operations and Events Manager
LK Events brought the Polar Bar to the ice rink in Tunbridge Wells from November 2018 to January 2019. This is a major event for Tunbridge Wells attracting just fewer than 40,000 skaters and approximately 80,000 visitors.
The bar itself was unique, beautifully designed and the highlight of the marquee, it received very positive feedback from customers, VIP’s and local media. It was well stocked with just the right variety of local and national products.
Libby and Kim were passionate, creative and professional at all times building several successful events during the period. Their flexibility and diligence helped in pulling together a very successful event.
Richard Karn - Fourscore Consulting Limited
Managing Director
I write to provide a reference for the above named in the context of a tender that they are submitting to manage events on behalf of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
Both the above named were long term employees of Courier Media Group, Tunbridge Wells. I was Managing Director of the business from March 2004 until May 2016. Libby Paterson was a direct report throughout this period in her capacity as Marketing Director. Kim Pearman occupied the position of Promotions Manager.
I have no hesitation in recommending both individuals as trustworthy and diligent workers who will deliver services professionally, with integrity and honesty.
In their employed roles both individuals were responsible for initiating, planning and organising an extensive range of promotional events delivered under our newspaper brands. They approach each initiative with meticulous care and attention, ensuring that risks are identified and managed and that appropriate budgets are accurate and realistic.
Whilst running events as an independent operation is a new venture for both, this previous experience will mean that they are well versed in all aspects of the operation and I see no reason why they will not be able to provide the Council with a professional and reliable service.
Should you need any further information in respect of the above I would be happy to provide it